Friday, November 4, 2011

The Zen of Heels

Twice this week I stepped into cracks in the road on the way to the subway. Heels ruined. Morning spoilt. Pumps wrecked (well, sort of).

Every morning I would march towards the station, lost in my head. My mind chattering with conversations I had yesterday or last night or years ago or what I want to say and do today. The chatter disconnects me to the street, the people even the music blasting from my ear buds. So when I stepped into the crack again yesterday and ruin the skinny heel of my favourite black pumps, I became fully aware of how "not present" I was.

Being present and cultivating a deeper level of awareness is something I started when I got pregnant in 2010. And everyday I made effort in minuscule ways to increase presence in my life. A little sticker on my space bar reminds me to be conscious about my breath. Every morning I bring awareness to my whole body lying in bed for a couple of mins (and often failing because I would fall back asleep).

As I marched my way to the station this morning in my new red stilettos with the extra skinny heels, I remembered the crack in the pavement ahead. I looked at the road ahead and I slowed my steps. My attention returned to the here and now of my foot striking the ground. Attention wove its way up my foot to the rest of my body in motion. My mind cleared of chatter, I was able to see and feel instead the vibrancy of my little slice of Hong Kong gearing up for the day.

Click, click, click, all the way to my train. My heels were my Zen guru for the day.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, August 2, 2009


old is beautiful.
Taken in an antique/junk shop in Singapore.

so simple. so pretty. so hopeful.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Spring of hope Winter of dispair

My favourite Dickens Quote

"It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times,
it was the age of wisdom,
it was the age of foolishness,

it was the epoch of belief,
it was the epoch of incredulity,
it was the season of Light,
it was the season of Darkness,
it was the spring of hope,
it was the winter of despair,
we had everything before us,
we had nothing before us,
we were all going direct to heaven,
we were all going direct the other way..."
Charles Dickens - 1859

Seems incredulously apt for the present.
Certainly food for thoughts about universal truths which threads one generation to the next, connecting our humanity.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The power of language

Headlines, the news, radio talk shows are all repeating the heavy drag of a world in financial crisis, eager to taint our world in the same hallows shades of doom.

As a budding entrepreneur who gave up the security of my career last Nov at a time when the rising tide of dis-ease about security, I work hard to keep myself positive, energized in the quiet rebellion against the fear and uncertainty. I firmly believe my disempowerment will not benefiting anyone.

A few days ago I was listening to a rebroadcast podcast by
Sonia Choquette and heard this.

“These are not bad times, these are challenging times.”

A simple choice of different words cast such a different light on reality.

The word bad brings with it a life long baggage of every negative circumstances and emotions we have experienced.
The word challenging calls out and appeals us to rise above circumstances with courage, dignity, creativity and invites us to defy whatever is challenging us.

5 years ago I did the
Landmark Forum and from it I learnt about the transformational power of language. The Sonia quote above is a powerful demonstration of this.

Thank you Sonia. This entry is dedicated to you and your wisdom.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

God's Gift

I just watched the youtube vid of Susan Boyle from the UK show Britain's Got Talent. What a performance.


It was such a wonderful reminder for us all not to judging a book by its cover.
And to, never say never about realising your dream.

When we get to see people share their god given gift, I am touched and moved at the level of the heart and soul. It really feels as if the gift takes over and I/we are all humbled in its presence.

My teacher, Blair Singer said (at his Sales and Leadership Workshop), to hold back from giving the gift we have to give, we are being greedy.

My take on it is that, when we stop our gift from manifesting into this world, we stifle the flow of God force that is being channelled through us. My theory is when this energy builds over time as we pushed away, repressed, denied the expression of this gift, the energy discombobulates our equilibrium and causes malaise in the forms of illness, dissatisfaction, restlessness. When I stop my own creativity from manifesting because of a deep seated sense of unworthiness, I usually starts to feel nausuous, restless sleep, waking at odd hours and a sense of unshakable heaviness or actual weight-gain.

I can see that one of my personal spiritual mission is about liberating the human spirit from the shackles of inadequacy for them to feel the joy from their full self-expression. The how I not yet know. That's why I take it one inspired step at a time.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Stuie Wilde - Mister Radical

Stuart Wilde is a mystic, visionary, new age thinker and all round reality challenger/breaker. I love his books and CDs on Meditation, on Money or the smallest yet most magical book on Miracles.

I love fringe thinking which cast such a different light upon the agreed paradigm of reality. Stuie is one that really pushes the boundaries. He talks about time travel and portals of dimension, transcendent beings. His perspective of the world is so radical and fantastical. I love how there are lots of Stuie students who share this view of this world. I never did believe the world only consists of what our 5 senses can detect.

He just started a new blog in addition to his very interesting website