Friday, July 11, 2008


As I heard this poem being read as a prayer by Caroline Myss on her podcast Sacred Contracts, it took me back to a time when I felt totally complete, with no wanting, sitting on the shores of Hvar staring out at the infinite horizon.

This also brought brings back all those other moments when I am next to the immensity of the ocean and I always become deeply filled with a sense of peace, bliss and connection to the world. In those moments I feel the ocean once again accept me and a profound sense of returning would fill me to the core. I could never explain why this is so, only to know it is. Maybe the vastness of all those water somehow fills and reflects a vast void within which longs to hold such magnificent.

Here’s the beautiful poem that transported me to such a moment.

When I Was In The Forest
by Meister Eckhart:

When I was the stream,
when I was the forest,
when I was still the field,
when I was every hoof, foot, fin and wing,
when I was the sky itself,

no one ever asked me did I have a purpose,
no one ever wondered was there anything I might need,
for there was nothing I could not love.

It was when I left all we once were
that the agony began,
the fear and questions came,
And I wept, I wept, and tears I had never known before.

So I returned to the river, I returned to the mountains.
I asked for their hand in marriage again,
I begged --- I begged to wed every object and creature,

and when they accepted,
God was ever present in my arms.
And God did not say, Where have you been?
For then I knew my soul ---- every soul --- had always held him.

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