Friday, September 5, 2008

Life is Energy

I spent spend last week in Singapore attending T Harv Eker’s Train The Trainer program. When I did Millionaire Mind Intensive in March, I became a Quantum Leap member, effectively signing up for 5 courses in the Peak Potentials Curriculum. As you can see I love my personal development course.

One of the most powerful messages I got from attending the program was that everything in life is energy, be it money, training or life. Big energy begets big results. In a successful training, what is created is essentially a huge vortex of energy. And by managing, nurturing and sustaining this energy, everyone’s energy expands and so they grow.

About a decade ago I discovered a book that changed my life. It is call Paradigm Wars by Mark B Woodhouse who is a professor of philosophy. In his book he introduced me to the notion of Energy Monism which stipulates that all in life is of one essential essence. I later discover that that is the same fundamental premise of Quantum Physics. It was one of those things that fascinated me and eluded me. Harv was able to demonstrate how real energy was in a room full of people. He created high energy when he wanted to and brought it down when it was required. This was created in the context of training and it was incredibly powerful to be in the energetic ‘dance’ between trainer and audience.

Since I have been home, I became highly aware of energy. Being present to certain people’s ‘energy’ and also recognizing my own reaction to it. My dog Momo has this fragile, loving and pureness to her energy. My husband’s energy has grown since the training and his presence has become more open, steady and a new lightness is present. I feel I have expanded, fuller, more centered. I feel this is all part of the evolution of reclaiming my intuitive sense.

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